In addition to stationary analysers, gas analysis for
monitoring emissions also uses portable methods. The actual
measuring task determines the complexity of the sampling/
analysis units. Since not all control points are easy to access,
operators are interested in suitable and light equipment with
a compact size. Even under this premise, extracting the
sample gas must meet high standards to ensure the
measurements are reliable.
The Smartline series of portable gas sampling probes features
a lightweight, self-regulating or temperature controlled
heated sample gas line with built-in particle filter.
Portable probe and heated line as all-in-one solution for
mobile applications
Designed for sample measurements
Also suitable for control measurements or continuous
Self-regulating or temperature-controlled heated
Also ideal for service companies
Built-in, heated filter element
Low weight
Reduced maintenance
Stack mounting possible
Tool-less filter element change
Space-saving version for sampling with high moisture
Option: Test gas function option on input end
Option: Transport case