In many production and thermal processes the process- or exhaust air also contain dust particles of various sizes. To ensure
this dust does not enter the environment unchecked, they are
separated or retained using suitable filter systems.
Whilst in e.g. manufacturing powdered milk, plastics, soot
and fertilisers this primarily means recovering valuable substances, in steel production, the wood industry, in foundries,
crematoriums and in the cement industry as well as plasterboard product, just to name some of the possible applications,
the focus is on environmental protection.
Within this spectrum e.g. moist exhaust gas compositions
may arise which do not allow the use of in-situ monitors, requiring extractive analysis methods.
The BDA 06 ED particle monitor was designed specifically for
these complex applications.
Device made in Germany
Suitable for monitoring moist and tacky dust
Robust technology
Measuring unit and control-support unit
Suitable for separate installation
Easy to install to a mounting pipe
Easy, menu-guided application
Calibratable in mg/Nm3
On-site diagnostics
Display / analogue outputs