In many production and thermal processes the process- or
exhaust air also contain dust particles of various sizes. To
ensure this dust does not enter the environment unchecked,
they are separated or retained using suitable filter systems.
Whilst in e.g. manufacturing powdered milk, plastics, soot
and fertilisers this primarily means recovering valuable
substances, in steel production, the wood industry, in
foundries, crematoriums and in the cement industry as well
as plasterboard product, just to name some of the possible
applications, the focus is on environmental protection.
Since the separation elements in the filter systems used wear
due to more or less frequent backwashing, dust breaches or
increasing particle emission often occur. In addition to
ensuring operating safety in the interest of the owner, TA Luft
even requires the use of certified residual dust monitoring
equipment for many applications and air exhaust ducts.
The particle monitor BDA 02 is one version in a series for this
scope of application.
Unit made in Germany
Robust, low-maintenance technology
Easyjust installation kit for easy installation
German / English menu navigation
Automatic service notification
Zero point and range monitoring
Calibratable (mg/Nm3)
Visual filter condition diagnosis on site
2.5" Graphics display
Suitability-tested technology according to TA-Luft
Low operating costs / high energy efficiency (3 W)